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Diamonds And Surface Imperfections

Besides carbon spots, another big defect that can happen in diamonds is cracks or open cleavages in the crystalline material. Sometimes if little breaks go across the grain they can create big imperfections. These imperfections can cause a serious misdirection of light, causing lack of luster. The larger cracks are called cracks, the lesser ones feathers, or flaws. Some stones have so many of these imperfections that they are called cracked ice, many jewelers will not handle them.

The smaller feathers are less noticeable and are still sold. The feathers can be caused by wear and tear of turbulent waters, the method in which they were recovered, and sometimes the unskillful handling during the cutting and polishing process. Besides cracks and feathers, another defect in diamonds can be minute cavities either empty or filled with liquid.

Some have thought of the liquid to be carbonic acid. These bubbles are serious defects if of any size, as stones containing them may burst owing to increase of pressure within on becoming warmed. The cutter can cut the diamonds so that none of these cavities are left remaining.

Another type of diamond imperfection is leaving unfinished places of the surface of the cut stone. Sometimes the cutter purposely leaves unfinished portions of the stone. They will usually leave the unfinished portions on the outer edges of the stone. This can make the stone larger, weigh more, have better contour. Larger stones are more valuable than smaller ones.

The natural surface will often gather dirt easily making them harder to clean and the unfinished spot more visible. Another type of surface imperfection which can be avoided is small nicks or chipped places. These chips and dents should not be present in newly cut stones, but at times setters are the reason why. Sometimes tools like chisels or files can cause these problems. Stones should be checked over after they have been set. Some diamonds although free from all of the defects listed above can suffer from sub-microscopic irregularity of texture, or possibly they have within them a finely divided substance.

A strong beam of light at any angle through the stone will appear milky. There are many degrees of imperfections in diamonds. The slightest of all imperfections is often called v. v.

s., or very, very, slight. These extremely slight imperfections can only be seen by a few experts, with the use of a good lens.

These stones are often times sold to the public as perfect, and for the most part that is what they are. The public does not truly understand how rare it really is to find a perfect diamond, and along with the lack of that knowledge people are unwilling to pay the amount that a really good diamond is worth. This condition has perhaps led to defensive measures on the part of the trade.

Often times, dealers will feel justified to mark a stone perfect, when really it may have some microscopic defects. In the diamond trade perfect and white diamonds have meanings of variance with the true significance of the words. A diamonds representation is at times taken too far. The purchaser must find a reputable dealer who will legitimately regard as a perfect diamond that has nothing in it that could be seen under a low-power lens. This dealer will also state if they have hidden diamond defects under clamps, and if they have come into an agreement on a fair price.

Mitch Endick is a short article writer for the popular jewelry site: JewelrySalesandService.com. Provides information on jewelry, rings, earrings, bracelets, necklaces and watches. His website,www.JewelrySalesandService.com also has information on diamonds, birthstones, gemstones, pearls, gold, sterling silver,and platinum.

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